Monday, September 27, 2010

New Spelling Words

Write words 3X each Mon. and Tue. nights.  Practice test with parents Wed. night.  Test Thursday.

1.  many                10.  busy
2.  any                   11.  Halloween
3.  seem                12.  asleep
4.  deep                 13.  secret
5.  week                14.  even
6.  idea                  15.  trophy
7.  video               16.  activity
8.  city                  17.  referee
9.  lucky               18.  torpedo

Reading-  The Babe and I
Re-read story Monday night.  Study vocabulary cards and definitions. 

Social Studies- study US map and be able to label all 50 states by tomorrow,  Sept. 28th.

                            Congratulations to our new class favorites
                                               Arely and Perry! 

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