Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Spelling Words

Spelling- Write words 3X each Monday and Tuesday nights.  Study with parents Wednesday night with test on Thursday.

1.  started                  10.  hoping
2.  starting                 11.  fried
3.  smiled                   12.  frying
4.  smiling                  13.  hopped
5.  cried                      14.  hopping
6.  crying                    15.  amazed
7.  planned                 16.  amazing
8.  planning                17.  dragged
9.  hoped                    18.  dragging

Reading- Pick-A-State Project. 
Sculpey clay state is due by Wed. or Thur. of this week (remember to make it about the size of their hand .  Oral and written reports are due to be turned in and read by this Thursday.  No vocabulary words this week. 
This will be a Reading grade and a Social Studies grade. 
We will continue the map study on Friday and next week.  They will need to be able to label each state (word bank will be provided) by the end of next week.  We will be studying them here as well as them studying them at home. 

School picture remakes will be this Friday if you are interested in having their pictures remade. 

A schoolwide parent meeting will be held in auditorium this Thursday at 6:30.  The teacher with the most parents attending wins $100 for their classroom! 

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