Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Spelling Words


Spelling- Write words 3X ea. Tue. and Wed. night.  Thur. take practice test at home.  Friday-test.

1.  friends                  10.  stitches
2.  inches                   11.  rushes
3.  brushes                12.  mixes
4.  fixes                     13.  ladies
5.  flies                      14.  parties
6.  tries                     15.  wasps
7.  pennies                16.  mailboxes
8.  crackers              17.  companies
9.  marches              18.  batteries
Test is Friday.

Reading- Stone Soup- Continue studying vocab. words from story.  Test Friday. 

Pick-A-State Unit
Information is coming home today in homework notebooks about our new Reading and Social Studies Unit- Pick-A-State.  The written portion of the project is to be done at school, but studying for the map test and making the clay state project is for home. 
They have been given a grading rubric, and a requirement sheet for the project along with a couple of maps to study and fill in. 
Be looking for their state quarter to bring in by next week.
Deadline for clay project is Wed. Sept. 15th.  (See parent note in their homework notebook.)
Final Draft of state report due Wed. Sept 15th.
Oral Reports given Thur. Sept. 16th.
Wed- Study and learn the Southeastern States.  Fill in those states on the blank map (they're highlighted for them). 
***** Bring back tomorrow*****
Thur.- Study the Southwestern States along with Southeastern States (They will have filled those in at school).  We'll continue studying in portions/regions until they know all of the states next week.  They'll have blank maps every night to practice with.   
Unit will continue next week. 

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