Monday, October 25, 2010

Spelling Words 10-25/10-29-10

Write words 3X each Mon-Tue. night.  Spelling test is Wednesday!

1.  still              10.  winter
2.  with            11.  tight
3.  his               12.  sight
4.  bright         13.  fly
5.  might         14.  sky
6.  my              15.  pumpkin
7.  why            16.  lightning  (not lighting-be careful) 
8.  visit            17.  nightmare
9.  picnic         18.  recycle

We will try to get our  homework words written before going home this week! 

This week is drug awareness week

                                                                           Us today--most all wearing red! 

Monday-wear red shirt/socks
Tuesday--wear blue shirt and blue jeans
Wednesday- wear green
Thursday-wear camouflage
Friday-team shirt day

Halloween carnival is this Thursday at 5:30

Social Studies- We are studying ch. 3-Early American Indians.  More this week on that.  It's going to be fun!!

Have a great week!!

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