Monday, October 18, 2010

Spelling Words 10-18/10-22

Write Spelling words 3x each Mon-Wed night.  Practice test on Thursday.

1.  body                  10.  Ohio
2.  socks                 11.  hello
3.  gold                    12.  road
4.  most                  13.  coach
5.  ago                     14.  load
6.  coat                    15.  fossil
7.  toast                   16.  volleyball
8.  monster            17.  potato
9.  collar                 18.  oatmeal

Reading-  We are reading from a tradebook, Strega Nona.  They won't have their own copy, so anything coming home will be what they can do without the book.  Test will be strictly comprehension and will be Wednesday.  Ask them about Strega Nona.  It's a very interesting book!  They have their A.R. chapter books they need to read from nightly--at least 1 chapter.  A.R. test is due this Friday. 

Math- We are beginning rounding this week.  They will begin having a homework worksheet coming home Tue-Thur nights.  Tonight is still too early to have them rounding at home.  Please work with your child Tue-Thur. reinforcing the rounding rules. 

Miss Rebel Pageant is Nov. 9th.  Girls will be bringing home a form Monday night.

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