Monday, October 4, 2010

New Spelling Words 10-4-10

Bring $2.00 for Legend of Sleepy Hollow play put on by the 5th grade tomorrow.

Write spelling words 3X each Mon-Tue. night.  Take practice test with parents Wed. night.  Test Thursday.

1.  last                    10.  aim
2.  and                    11.  Maine
3.  math                  12.  holiday
4.  began                13.  crayon
5.  tail                     14.  spray
6.  afraid                15.  fantastic
7.  today                16.  mechanic
8.  camping           17.  complain
9.  trail                   18.  essay

Reading-  Aero and Officer Mike-  read story  Monday night.  Study vocab cards in bag.  Bring bag back to school daily.  Test is Thursday on vocabulary and comprehension. 

Math-  We are studying expanding Form, standard form and word form


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