Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veteran's Day Holiday and Weather Day Thur and Fri. November 11-12!

Indian Projects

One of my favorite units of 3rd grade has finally arrived:  Early American Indian tribes- Ch. 3 in Social Studies.  The kids have absolutely loved this chapter, and don't want to give it up! 
These American Indians came from the 4 corners of the U.S. 
They are:
Yurok---North Coastal California
Haudenosaunee--Northern New York and Wisconsin. 
Each student chose their favorite tribe and built their project at home.  Thank you, Parents for participating and helping your child with his/her projects!
They've all learned so much and had a lot of pride in their homes.
Next is Ch. 4...Explorers Arrive

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spelling Words 10-25/10-29-10

Write words 3X each Mon-Tue. night.  Spelling test is Wednesday!

1.  still              10.  winter
2.  with            11.  tight
3.  his               12.  sight
4.  bright         13.  fly
5.  might         14.  sky
6.  my              15.  pumpkin
7.  why            16.  lightning  (not lighting-be careful) 
8.  visit            17.  nightmare
9.  picnic         18.  recycle

We will try to get our  homework words written before going home this week! 

This week is drug awareness week

                                                                           Us today--most all wearing red! 

Monday-wear red shirt/socks
Tuesday--wear blue shirt and blue jeans
Wednesday- wear green
Thursday-wear camouflage
Friday-team shirt day

Halloween carnival is this Thursday at 5:30

Social Studies- We are studying ch. 3-Early American Indians.  More this week on that.  It's going to be fun!!

Have a great week!!

Friday, October 22, 2010


                            Good old lunchroom memories!

My pink buddy...Mrs. Bolding, who is always my supporter. 
                                                   Love you, Mrs. Bolding!

Halloween Carnival

Our annual Halloween Carnival is Oct. 28, 2010 beginning at 5:30 in the elem. end of the school.  Please come!  Lots of fun and games.

Beginning Monday Oct. 25th, we will be observing Drug Awareness Week.  I am sending home a schedule of events for the week concerning what to wear each day if you want to participate.  Here they are in case you need them again:

Mon- Wear red day--Wear red shirt and socks.
Tue-Wear blue shirt and blue jeans
Wed-Wear green clothes.
Thur-Wear camouflage 
Fri-Wear favorite sports team shirts are available at school if you'd like to purchase them early.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Artistic Expressions will be here tomorrow to do a Christmas ball ornament with your child.  If you haven't sent your money in and would like to still order one, the cost is $16.00 and due tomorrow.  These ornaments will be treasured for years to come!  Make checks out to Thorsby School.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Spelling Words 10-18/10-22

Write Spelling words 3x each Mon-Wed night.  Practice test on Thursday.

1.  body                  10.  Ohio
2.  socks                 11.  hello
3.  gold                    12.  road
4.  most                  13.  coach
5.  ago                     14.  load
6.  coat                    15.  fossil
7.  toast                   16.  volleyball
8.  monster            17.  potato
9.  collar                 18.  oatmeal

Reading-  We are reading from a tradebook, Strega Nona.  They won't have their own copy, so anything coming home will be what they can do without the book.  Test will be strictly comprehension and will be Wednesday.  Ask them about Strega Nona.  It's a very interesting book!  They have their A.R. chapter books they need to read from nightly--at least 1 chapter.  A.R. test is due this Friday. 

Math- We are beginning rounding this week.  They will begin having a homework worksheet coming home Tue-Thur nights.  Tonight is still too early to have them rounding at home.  Please work with your child Tue-Thur. reinforcing the rounding rules. 

Miss Rebel Pageant is Nov. 9th.  Girls will be bringing home a form Monday night.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back From Fall Break--Scarecrows

This has been dubbed scarecrow week for our class by me!  We've got all kinds of activities and crafts about scarecrows we're going to work on starting today.

Due to a short week, there will not be any spelling words or reading vocabulary words/story coming home this week.  We will be busy, though, crafting and doing reading projects from books in my class library. 

Math- Review week

*Report cards are coming home today
*Homecoming game is Friday night

Monday, October 4, 2010

New Spelling Words 10-4-10

Bring $2.00 for Legend of Sleepy Hollow play put on by the 5th grade tomorrow.

Write spelling words 3X each Mon-Tue. night.  Take practice test with parents Wed. night.  Test Thursday.

1.  last                    10.  aim
2.  and                    11.  Maine
3.  math                  12.  holiday
4.  began                13.  crayon
5.  tail                     14.  spray
6.  afraid                15.  fantastic
7.  today                16.  mechanic
8.  camping           17.  complain
9.  trail                   18.  essay

Reading-  Aero and Officer Mike-  read story  Monday night.  Study vocab cards in bag.  Bring bag back to school daily.  Test is Thursday on vocabulary and comprehension. 

Math-  We are studying expanding Form, standard form and word form


Monday, September 27, 2010

New Spelling Words

Write words 3X each Mon. and Tue. nights.  Practice test with parents Wed. night.  Test Thursday.

1.  many                10.  busy
2.  any                   11.  Halloween
3.  seem                12.  asleep
4.  deep                 13.  secret
5.  week                14.  even
6.  idea                  15.  trophy
7.  video               16.  activity
8.  city                  17.  referee
9.  lucky               18.  torpedo

Reading-  The Babe and I
Re-read story Monday night.  Study vocabulary cards and definitions. 

Social Studies- study US map and be able to label all 50 states by tomorrow,  Sept. 28th.

                            Congratulations to our new class favorites
                                               Arely and Perry! 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Test Tuesday labeling USA Map-all 50 states

Study state map over the weekend.  Test Tuesday.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly News and Spelling for 9/20 thru 9/24/10

S.Studies- fill in Southeastern States 9-21-10
Math- Expanded Form, Standard Form, Word Form
      worksheet tonight- 9-21-10 (some already
      finished today). 
UAB Performing Theater Arts is performing a play for our kids this Friday.  They need to bring $3.00 for admission by then.

Spelling- Write words 3X each Mon-Tue.  Take practice spelling test with parent Wednesday night.  Thur. is practice test.  Friday is test.

1.  smell                        10.  else
2.  then                         11.  breakfast
3.  together                  12.  dead
4.  getting                    13.  feather
5.  head                        14.  bread
6.  ready                      15.  arrest
7.  instead                    16.  pretend
8.  fresh                       17.  heavier
9. spelling                    18.  jealous

Reading- Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs- Study vocab cards- match definitions with word. 

School pictures are due in by Oct. 1st.  Make checks payable to Bill Miller.

More later!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Spelling Words

Spelling- Write words 3X each Monday and Tuesday nights.  Study with parents Wednesday night with test on Thursday.

1.  started                  10.  hoping
2.  starting                 11.  fried
3.  smiled                   12.  frying
4.  smiling                  13.  hopped
5.  cried                      14.  hopping
6.  crying                    15.  amazed
7.  planned                 16.  amazing
8.  planning                17.  dragged
9.  hoped                    18.  dragging

Reading- Pick-A-State Project. 
Sculpey clay state is due by Wed. or Thur. of this week (remember to make it about the size of their hand .  Oral and written reports are due to be turned in and read by this Thursday.  No vocabulary words this week. 
This will be a Reading grade and a Social Studies grade. 
We will continue the map study on Friday and next week.  They will need to be able to label each state (word bank will be provided) by the end of next week.  We will be studying them here as well as them studying them at home. 

School picture remakes will be this Friday if you are interested in having their pictures remade. 

A schoolwide parent meeting will be held in auditorium this Thursday at 6:30.  The teacher with the most parents attending wins $100 for their classroom! 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Spelling Words


Spelling- Write words 3X ea. Tue. and Wed. night.  Thur. take practice test at home.  Friday-test.

1.  friends                  10.  stitches
2.  inches                   11.  rushes
3.  brushes                12.  mixes
4.  fixes                     13.  ladies
5.  flies                      14.  parties
6.  tries                     15.  wasps
7.  pennies                16.  mailboxes
8.  crackers              17.  companies
9.  marches              18.  batteries
Test is Friday.

Reading- Stone Soup- Continue studying vocab. words from story.  Test Friday. 

Pick-A-State Unit
Information is coming home today in homework notebooks about our new Reading and Social Studies Unit- Pick-A-State.  The written portion of the project is to be done at school, but studying for the map test and making the clay state project is for home. 
They have been given a grading rubric, and a requirement sheet for the project along with a couple of maps to study and fill in. 
Be looking for their state quarter to bring in by next week.
Deadline for clay project is Wed. Sept. 15th.  (See parent note in their homework notebook.)
Final Draft of state report due Wed. Sept 15th.
Oral Reports given Thur. Sept. 16th.
Wed- Study and learn the Southeastern States.  Fill in those states on the blank map (they're highlighted for them). 
***** Bring back tomorrow*****
Thur.- Study the Southwestern States along with Southeastern States (They will have filled those in at school).  We'll continue studying in portions/regions until they know all of the states next week.  They'll have blank maps every night to practice with.   
Unit will continue next week. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Library Link for A.R. Books

You can check to see if a book is an A.R. book on our Thorsby High School webpage,  Click on Library on the left side of the page and it will take you to the A.R. book listings.  They are alphabetized by level beginning with 3.0.  When looking for a title, just keep scrolling down until you come to it (if it's there).  This will be very helpful when you want to purchase your own books or have books at home.  
We are reading A.R. books exclusively right now, and they are taking tests after finishing.  It's very successful!  We have our  own classroom library and will be adding to it often. 
We read from our A.R. books daily, and occasionally I will assign 2 chapters at home.  It will be listed in their homework notebook when they have it. 
I'm seeing some big changes in your children in their reading habits and abilties.  They are reading up a storm!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekly News 8-30 9-3-10

Homework:  Write spelling words 3X each Monday and Tuesday nights.  Wednesday-take a practice test at home.  Thursday- Practice Test  Friday- Test (for those who want to retake)

New Spelling Words

1.  large                         10.  joke
2.  page                          11.  jelly
3.  jam                           12.  circle
4.  center                       13.  cents
5.  center                       14.  circus
6.  sometimes               15.  bandage
7.  silly                          16.  journey
8.  orange                     17.  vegetables
9.  jeans                        18.  concert

Reading-  How Animals Talk--Comprehensive and vocabulary test is Thursday. Study words Mon-Wed. night. Definitions are in homework folder nightly. 

Math- Working on subtraction. 

Have a good week!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Picture Day

Pictures went smooth this morning.  All the children looked so cute in their nice clothes!  We took a group photo in our room (again) to show off our nice outfits. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

New Spelling Words

New Spelling Words for the week of  8-23-10 :

1.  rich                             10.  shadow
2.  finish                          11.  smash
3.  they                            12.  thick
4.  mother                       13.  tooth             
5.  something                 14.  ring
6.  long                              15.  cheese
7.  morning                      16.  sandwich
8.  chain                           17.  dishwasher
9.  touch                           18.  belongings

Write words 3X each on Monday and Tuesday night. 
Take practice test at home Wednesday night for Thursday test. 
Make sure name is on homework and brought back the next day.

Picture Day

School pictures are tomorrow, August 24th.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our New Class-The Class of 2020

We are off to a great start this year.  Love these guys already!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Graduation Day For Evan

My baby graduates tonight. So many emotions for me and I'm sure for Russ and all.
Graduation day takes me back 27 years to the very same auditorium, the very
same ceremony and the very same feelings. Wow.
Graduation at 7 in Helen Jenkins Hall
Reception following in Helen Jenkins Chapel.
Here's to a blessed, safe and happy future, Evan.
I love you and I'm so proud of you.
We all are!
Class of 2010
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dr. Seuss Day

We read Horton Hatches the Egg, Gerald McBoing Boing,  and McElligot's Pool by Dr. Seuss on March 2nd.  Those Seuss books were funny and they actually held their attention!

Accelerated Reader Tests Are Fun!

Taking a Breather

Studying Hard for Alabama Reading and Math Test!

Using practice test booklets.
Well, they're kinda studying....... lol!

Back from spring break! There were a lot of sad faces for a short while this morning.  But they snapped out of it quickly, and we're on our way to practicing for our upcoming A.R.M.T. test this Wed. and Thur.  The reading section is Wed. and Math section is Thursday.  Parents, please make sure your little one gets enough sleep and plenty of breakfast for those days of testing this week.  We've got to have 100% attendance on those days of testing, so please make sure they're here if at all possible!  (Make-up testing day is this Friday).  Thank you for your support and please pray for us all this week.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

This was how the kids reacted when the announcement came saying we were out on Friday because of snow coming! Funny!! We decided to have our celebration early. We had a last min. snack/party and still passed out Valentines and had fun. Thanks to all the moms who sent candy and cupcakes! Boy, this was a busy and exciting day........I think I need a week off.


Our penguin art hangs outside our classroom. Pretty good for third graders, don't you think?

See more penguin info below.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The boys felt left out yesterday on pink day. So here we are in our Bama shirts. (Couldn't leave the sweet
girls out who wore crimson too!) I'm a softie....

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The Roll Tide Fans and a few more

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