Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Scarecrow Time!

We couldn't wait to start the scarecrow unit in our classroom! It finally got here and we read all of the books in the picture!
The scarecrow on the board is one I made for English with a shape poem around it describing scarecrows.
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Haha...couldn't resist, Woodall!
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Halloween Day

Mrs. Woodall and I always have fun on holidays at school! This woman
just cracks me up!
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Field Trip to Moundville in October

Moundville was a neat place. The day was beautiful and Moundville was full of kids for the annual Indian Festival.Carlee, Emmy, and Madisyn enjoyed their day for sure!
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

October Student of the Month

Carlee Wyatt!! Congratulations and thank you for being such a great student in our class!
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Indian Home Project Time!

Former students show off their Native American Homes they built at home and brought to earn 100pts!

It's that time again! Social Studies in fall brings us to learn about 4 Tribes of Early North American Indians. We start out learning about the Navajo in Southwestern U.S., then on to the Yurok in the Northwest, then Cherokee in Southeastern U.S. and finally to the Northeastern side to study the Haudenosaunee.
     The children are asked to complete a project of building one of these tribe's home by Nov. 1st, and bring them in to display for the other kids. It's so much fun preparing for this, and it's just one of my favorite times of the year! The project is worth a 100pts. for participation! It's due Nov. 1st, so good luck and you can use any material you choose to build your Indian home!
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Monday, October 17, 2011

No School Today for the Kids!

Fall Break for the kids today!  Teachers hrs. are 12-6:00.  I will be out the entire day, but will be back Tue.  Happy Fall Yall!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rebel Fans

We love our Thorsby Rebels! On Fridays we get to wear our special tshirts!
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School Days

My sweet little students lining up for lunch.
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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Misc. Pics From Room 113

These girls loved their silent reading time!
Mrs. Woodall  2nd Grade
 Parker and Darian visiting after school last week. 

Our class had a great 3rd week together!  We're learning so much, and this class is very attentive and well behaved.  Again I ask, "How'd I get so lucky"? 

Have a nice long weekend and see your kids on Tuesday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Loving those new A.R. books!

I think the kids are really liking the chapter books in our library here.  It's a joy to see them interested and asking me "Can we read our A. R. book next, Mrs. Bryan"? 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Our New Class!

We have the greatest class this year!  The first week was spent organizing supplies, giving
out books, checking out the class library and reviewing addition facts and classroom
rules and procedures. 
How did I get so blessed with such a great class?  They're just what
I ordered!  Thank you, parents and students, for making
my first week back to work a total success.  I'm
blessed beyond measure with the job of teaching
your children. Here's to a great, successful, and blessed third grade year!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New School Year!

Well, it's great to be in the saddle again!  I've got a super group of new third graders I'm already in love with and can't wait to see every day.  My room got a new paint job making it brighter and sunnier.  The curtains are down getting cleaned and I'll re-hang them this weekend (they look horrible in this picture).   
                                            Here's my before picture...
                                              Here's our after picture (minus the curtains)
                                                                            Front View
                                               This is our reading hut in the back of the room
The baskets hold  our A.R. reading books I've collected.  They're
all labeled according to their reading level.