Monday, October 1, 2012

October Notes for Parents

Welcome October!!!  Here are some dates you need to keep up with what's going on at school this month:

Oct. 8th.....Makeup Pictures

Oct. 9th .....Swedish Festival Pageant

Oct. 13th....Swedish Festival

Oct. 22nd...School Fruit Sale Begins

Oct. 25th....Halloween Festival  5:00-8:00 p.m. (Elementary Hallways and Lunchroom)

Oct. 29th...Report Cards

Oct. 31st...Halloween and our class snack (I will provide the snacks and drinks) will be on this day.  We don't have enough time for a party since our snack is after P.E. and close to end of school day.  We will celebrate at usual snack time with just the students. 

We have started cursive handwriting and our students are doing so well!!! 

Also, we're doing an author study on R.L. Stine (author of Goosebumps) for the month of October.  Your child got to choose an A.R. Goosebump book today on their reading level for a reading grade. 

More later!!!
Mrs. Bryan

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Book Fair Week

New Class Photo
Book Fairs are always popular with the kids!  They love to spend that money on "books"!!  LOL

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A New 3rd Grade Year!

Meet Mrs. Bryan's new third grade class!  We're off to a great start with 18 students this year.  Our classroom theme is still Hawaiian, and we are ready to be reading our A.R. books and taking tests and learning cursive handwriting...and....multiplication!  Time goes by quickly and not a day goes by that I'm not thankful to still be here in my old classroom teaching my kids.  Parents, thank you for your support and supplies you've helped us with. 
I will keep you updated on this blog with photos of your children as they venture through third grade.  We love holiday photos and will hopefully provide you with memories that will last forever!
More photos and notes to come. 
Thanks for checking out our site!!!
Mrs. Bryan

Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy March!

Still Blessed with this precious class! This teacher
has had great checkups and still goin'!
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Silly Silly Silly!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

How blessed I am to be with my students this Valentine's Day!  So thankful to be back to school and feeling great!  Thank you, parents and students, for your continued support and prayers!

True personalities coming out???  lol 
Love these guys!