Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Indian Home Project Time!

Former students show off their Native American Homes they built at home and brought to earn 100pts!

It's that time again! Social Studies in fall brings us to learn about 4 Tribes of Early North American Indians. We start out learning about the Navajo in Southwestern U.S., then on to the Yurok in the Northwest, then Cherokee in Southeastern U.S. and finally to the Northeastern side to study the Haudenosaunee.
     The children are asked to complete a project of building one of these tribe's home by Nov. 1st, and bring them in to display for the other kids. It's so much fun preparing for this, and it's just one of my favorite times of the year! The project is worth a 100pts. for participation! It's due Nov. 1st, so good luck and you can use any material you choose to build your Indian home!
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Monday, October 17, 2011

No School Today for the Kids!

Fall Break for the kids today!  Teachers hrs. are 12-6:00.  I will be out the entire day, but will be back Tue.  Happy Fall Yall!