Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekly News 8-30 9-3-10

Homework:  Write spelling words 3X each Monday and Tuesday nights.  Wednesday-take a practice test at home.  Thursday- Practice Test  Friday- Test (for those who want to retake)

New Spelling Words

1.  large                         10.  joke
2.  page                          11.  jelly
3.  jam                           12.  circle
4.  center                       13.  cents
5.  center                       14.  circus
6.  sometimes               15.  bandage
7.  silly                          16.  journey
8.  orange                     17.  vegetables
9.  jeans                        18.  concert

Reading-  How Animals Talk--Comprehensive and vocabulary test is Thursday. Study words Mon-Wed. night. Definitions are in homework folder nightly. 

Math- Working on subtraction. 

Have a good week!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Picture Day

Pictures went smooth this morning.  All the children looked so cute in their nice clothes!  We took a group photo in our room (again) to show off our nice outfits. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

New Spelling Words

New Spelling Words for the week of  8-23-10 :

1.  rich                             10.  shadow
2.  finish                          11.  smash
3.  they                            12.  thick
4.  mother                       13.  tooth             
5.  something                 14.  ring
6.  long                              15.  cheese
7.  morning                      16.  sandwich
8.  chain                           17.  dishwasher
9.  touch                           18.  belongings

Write words 3X each on Monday and Tuesday night. 
Take practice test at home Wednesday night for Thursday test. 
Make sure name is on homework and brought back the next day.

Picture Day

School pictures are tomorrow, August 24th.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our New Class-The Class of 2020

We are off to a great start this year.  Love these guys already!